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Learn — Project

Line Following Robot Car Using Arduino

Posted by Kelly M on

Line Following Robot Car Using Arduino

In this article, we will guide you on making a robot car that can follow a line. We will be using the parts that we carry in our shop.  We will be using CAROBOT Motor Driver and Servo Shield to make connected Motors to Arduino UNO. The shield separate the Uno's PWM digital pins (3,5,6,9,10,11) and the non-PWM digital pins (2,4,7,8,12,13) for easy identification. Furthermore, it provides a 5V and GND rail for easy connections. The Motor and Shield shield is equipped with an L298N H-Bridge Motor Driver. This allows the shield to drive two DC motors.  We will also be using...

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Project 3: Music Box

Posted by Rhiannon L on

Project 3: Music Box
Today, you’ll learn to program something your Arduino to play a tune when you press the button! This project uses a buzzer, which is a small piece of technology that makes a little "click" when you apply voltage to it. If you turn the voltage on and off hundreds of times a second, the buzzer will produce a tone, and if you string together a bunch of tones, you've got music!

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Project 2: Rocket Launch Initiator

Posted by Rhiannon L on

Project 2: Rocket Launch Initiator
Have you ever heard the phrase “it’s not rocket science”? Rocket science is a difficult field of study. While you won’t have an actual rocket to launch, in this project you’ll make a program that, when the button is pushed, turns on a light, just like a rocket launch initiator that illuminates a series of lights in preparation for liftoff.

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Project 1: Airplane Strobe Light

Posted by Rhiannon L on

Project 1: Airplane Strobe Light
Have you ever wondered how planes are able to see each other at night? In addition to their RADAR, they also use strobe lights. In this simple introductory project, you’ll learn to program an LED to blink on and off like the strobe light of an airplane.

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