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Line Following Robot Car Using Arduino

Posted by Kelly M on

Line Following Robot Car Using Arduino

In this article, we will guide you on making a robot car that can follow a line. We will be using the parts that we carry in our shop.  We will be using CAROBOT Motor Driver and Servo Shield to make connected Motors to Arduino UNO. The shield separate the Uno's PWM digital pins (3,5,6,9,10,11) and the non-PWM digital pins (2,4,7,8,12,13) for easy identification. Furthermore, it provides a 5V and GND rail for easy connections. The Motor and Shield shield is equipped with an L298N H-Bridge Motor Driver. This allows the shield to drive two DC motors.  We will also be using...

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HC-020K Encoder Module Guide

Posted by Kelly M on

HC-020K Encoder Module Guide

This HC-020K encoder is very useful to sense the motor’s position and velocity. It can be connected to any microcontroller via the 3-pin header. In this article, we'll talk about how to wire and set up the module for operation with an Arduino Board.  Wiring Most HC-020K modules operate with 5V and produce a digital output within the range of 0V to 5V. It will provide a 5V output when the beam is blocked, and a 0V output when the beam is unblocked. Arduino can read the pulse train to determine how far the motor has travelled at what velocity. For...

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