Student Summer Projects at Canada Robotix: Innovating for the Future

Posted by Jacqueline L on

This summer, students at Canada Robotix have embarked on diverse and ambitious projects that highlight their technical skills and creativity. These projects range from designing sophisticated electronic devices to enhancing green energy solutions and improving web platforms. Here's a detailed look at their innovative endeavors.


Kevin's Project: Wireless Tool and PCB - Lock-in Amplifier


Kevin has been working on a project named the Lock-in Amplifier, designed to capture differences between a reference wave and an offset wave. This device is particularly useful for isolating specific signals from background noise in electronic devices. Traditional lock-in amplifiers are costly, but Kevin aims to create a more affordable solution, making this advanced tool accessible for educational and practical applications. 

Kevin envisions this product as a valuable learning tool for electronics enthusiasts and professionals. It can be used to advance knowledge in operational amplifiers and other electronic components. Moreover, the device could be integrated into wearable technology projects led by Professor Steve Mann, highlighting its versatility for medical, commercial, and educational purposes.

The development process involves several meticulous steps: reviewing documentation, prototyping, and turning the prototype into a commercial product. Kevin highlights the challenge of merging his software engineering background with electrical engineering tasks, which has broadened his skill set. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the final product meets theoretical expectations through rigorous testing and comparison.


Hinesh's Project: Redesigning Green Energy Kits


Hinesh is focused on redesigning components of a green energy kit used in competitions. The current kit uses expensive and cumbersome hubs, and many participants struggle with assembly. Hinesh's redesign involves creating 3D-printed hubs and a more user-friendly instruction manual to ensure better assembly and usability. 

The redesign process includes researching product design standards and experimenting with 3D printing capabilities. Hinesh aims to create a secure, reusable hub that simplifies the assembly process for competition participants. This project involves a cycle of design, testing, and iteration to refine the components for optimal performance.

In the future, Hinesh envisions developing a completely new kit that utilizes 3D-printed parts, improving cost efficiency and functionality compared to the current kit.


Maria's Project: Carobot Learning Website

Maria has been developing the frontend of the Carobot Learning website using the Docusaurus framework. The website's purpose is to communicate Carobot Learning's values and promote STEM education through blogs, tutorials, and other resources.

Maria's goal is to make the website visually appealing and interactive, moving away from a purely documentational style. This involves overcoming design challenges and learning the intricacies of frontend development. The site was tested during the Ontario Science Centre event, where user interaction provided valuable insights.

Future plans for the website include adding more blogs and visuals, as well as expanding the range of tutorials. These additions aim to enhance user engagement and provide comprehensive support for those learning about programming, Arduino, and electronics through Canada Robotix products. 


Ma Toan Bach: ESP32 Projects


Ma Toan Bach has been exploring the capabilities of the ESP32 Dev board through a series of hands-on projects. His work aims to showcase the practical applications of this microcontroller, moving beyond theoretical knowledge to real-world implementation.

In his first project, Ma Toan Bach set up the Arduino environment to print "Hello World" to the console. He began by downloading and installing the Arduino IDE, creating a new sketch, and connecting the ESP32 to his computer. After selecting the ESP32 Dev Module in the Arduino IDE and writing a simple program, he successfully uploaded the code, enabling the ESP32 to print "Hello World" in the Serial Monitor.

For his second project, he transitioned from console output to visual output by displaying "Hello World" on a 1.8" TFT LCD screen (ST7735). He connected the TFT LCD to the ESP32 using specific pin configurations and wrote a program with the Adafruit GFX and ST7735 libraries. By initializing the screen and printing the message, he saw "Hello World" appear on the TFT screen after verifying and uploading the code.

In the third project, Ma Toan Bach measured weights using a strain gauge and displayed the values on the TFT screen. He integrated a strain gauge with an HX711 amplifier, connected them to the ESP32 and TFT screen, and successfully displayed real-time weight measurements. In the fourth project, he measures the environment and prints the values out on the TFT screen.


These projects showcase the students' dedication to innovation and their ability to tackle complex problems. At Canada Robotix, they are not only enhancing their technical skills but also contributing valuable solutions that could have a significant impact in their respective fields!

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