A wild Kee Boar appears! It’s a shiny KB2040! An Arduino Pro Micro-shaped board for Keebs with RP2040. (#keeblife 4 evah) A lot of folks like using Adafruit parts for their Keeb builds – but with the ItsyBitsy not being pin-compatible with the Pro Micro pinout, it really wasn't very easy without some sort of adapter plate.
Board features:
- Same size and form-factor as a Pro Micro breakout and nearly-identical pinout (this board has fewer analog pins, for example)
- Measures 1.3" x 0.7" without headers soldered in
- RP2040 32-bit Cortex M0+ dual core running at ~125 MHz @ 3.3V logic and power. 264 KB RAM, No EEPROM. 12 MHz crystal for perfect timing.
- 8 MB SPI FLASH chip for storing files and CircuitPython/MicroPython code storage.
20 x GPIO pins with following capabilities:
- 18 GPIO on castellated/pin breakout pads. 2 GPIO on QT port that can be easily accessed for 5x15 keyboard layouts.
- Four 12 bit ADCs
- Two I2C, Two SPI and two UART peripherals, we label one of for the 'main' interface in standard Pro Micro locations
- 16 x PWM outputs - for servos, LEDs, etc
- The 10 digital non-ADC GPIO are consecutive for maximum PIO compatibility
- RGB NeoPixel for colorful status indiction
- Classic green power LED
- Both Reset button and Bootloader select button for quick restarts. Bootloader button is also available as a generic GPIO input button.
- STEMMA QT connector on the end is compatible with the SparkFun Qwiic I2C connector, and can be used to plug and play I2C devices, or just as 2 extra GPIO pins.
- 3.3V regulator with 500mA peak current output
- RAW output, for powering NeoPixels or other 5V devices. Jumper on bottom lets you skip over the 500mA fuse, for up to 2A from USB ports.
- USB Type C connector lets you access built-in ROM USB bootloader and serial port debugging
- Extra D- and D+ breakouts for alternative USB connection options.